
We at LOGSTOR know how important correct fitting, installation and hand-over to the customer really are. We work together to coordinate all aspects of the project, and commit to timely and responsible delivery so that contractors can always deliver their projects on time. 

LOGSTOR has 50 years experience in working on total costs of district heating projects, and can therefore serve as a skilled adviser in dialogue with heating plants. We know that thoroughness in the early stages pays dividends for years to come. Involving the various partners in responsible project management with the heating plant’s consultants ensures good relations throughout the project.

Development of ourselves and our products constitutes an essential element of LOGSTOR’s vision. We have learned that educating ourselves and our contractors, consultants and customers contributes to ensuring the extended service life of our products. This sets the standard for the product which we work tirelessly to refine every single day.

Both the installation and commissioning of a district heating network demand specific technical knowledge when assuring the quality of a pipe solution. LOGSTOR always makes its technical consultants – and their extensive international experience – available in all stages of the construction phase, to help complete the assignment in close collaboration with your local team. That is why assignments are always executed with emphasis on the importance of all the details that make up a successful project.