5–10 times as efficient as conventional air conditioning

All over the world, demand for cooling is increasing – from hospitals and offices to shops and institutions. Cooling has conventionally taken the form of old-fashioned air conditioning, which requires a high level of power consumption but generates only a modest level of cooling.

At the same time, forecasts suggest that global energy requirements for air conditioning are set to rise by 72 per cent up to 2100. Façades and the urban environment are often scarred by the numerous air conditioning units installed to generate sufficient cooling. 

By way of comparison, modern district cooling systems pave the way for significant options in the areas of comfort, efficiency and environmental consideration in connection with the furnishing and operation of all kinds of modern buildings. Moreover, district cooling is fully 5–10 times as efficient as conventional air conditioning.

As district cooling progressively replaces electrically powered cooling, it will simultaneously eliminate the huge load placed on the electricity grid when the need for cooling is high. If district heating is combined with district cooling, it is possible to achieve mutual energy benefits when surplus heat can be converted into cheap cooling during the summer months.