Contractors and fitters
LOGSTOR pipe solutions save time by making it possible to fit pipes and insulation in a single work process. Welding and insulation cease being two separate actions and become a complete pipe contract that can be carried out in a single process.
We understand the importance of the contractor’s interaction with customers and the good relations that need to be maintained before and after a successful project. In close consultation, we decide how best to tackle the assignment in question. We always deliver the ideal solution, and we show the professionalism to choose the solution best suited to the circumstances of both contractor and end user.
Many pipe solutions are delivered uninsulated, which means an additional work process as well as extra expenses for the post-insulation of all pipes. LOGSTOR pipes are supplied pre-insulated, which saves time for the contractor and keeps the end user’s production shut-downs to an absolute minimum. Performing welding and insulation in a single pipe process saves time and money to the benefit of everyone involved in the project.
In the context of projects, time is always a crucial factor in ensuring an economical process. We always provide advice regarding choice of the right components, ensuring a complete overview and facilitating delivery to the agreed deadlines. From experience, we know that mutual understanding of the pipe system as a whole produces the best result for all parties – as well as a solution featuring the best service life and total costs in the sector.