Conception (K7540)

Type of course

Conception (K7540)

Course objective

  • To give sufficient knowledge about the static properties of the pipe systems (Bonded pipe systems – single pipe, TwinPipe, flexible pipe system)
  • To use the static properties of each system
  • To work with LOGSTOR’s design manual to determine axial stresses, compensation, directional changes, and heat/energy loss


​Heating Plant, Engineering firms or the like

Course content

Subjects of the course and training:
  • ​Determination of axial stresses in single pipes and TwinPipes
  • Necessary compensation
  • Design rules for directional changes, mitering, curved pipes, and bends
  • Design rules for branches
  • Reductions
  • Backfilling material and trench cross section
  • Excavation of preinsulated pipes
  • Determination of heat loss in different systems


  • ​Knowledge about catalogue material
  • Data processing
  • Knowledge about construction work in practice is an advantage



Certificate / Certificate of participation

​Certificate of participation

Price (Euro)

Please contact Course Coordinator Birgitte Rönfeld​