The optimal solution deserves correct installation

Courses held at Kingspan Academy provide education and certification for all those who design, handle, install and service our pipe systems. Optimal installation guarantees that the supply to your customers lives up to contemporary demands. It is essential that each and every component in the pipe system is handled and fitted correctly. There is no point in having pre-insulated quality pipes on the market from the perspectives of heat loss and service life if the joints are not of the same quality.




To replace a joint can be a very expensive operation.  That is why we provide training for everyone involved in installing LOGSTOR solutions and to make sure they have the skills they need to handle our solutions correctly.

To find out more about our training programs, see Kingspan Academy and courses.

Kingspan Training Academies provide education and certification for all those who design, handle, install and service our pipes systems – all done within our ISO certification scope.